Friday, September 3, 2010

Damn Glass

Long time no post.

But I was just hit with inspiration for another blog post... another typical night in the life of Miss Walshy.

So I've been sitting in my room for the majority of tonight, excluding our fun Zooky's trip with Uncle Jeffy and Julie, but that's another story... making fun singing videos, facebooking, reading more Twilight fanfic because I have nothing better to do with my life. And suddenly, it hits me.

Dammit, I have to pee.

So I get up and march myself into the bathroom. After I finish up doin' my bizz-ness, I'm anxious to get back to my room to keep reading the latest fanfic find (which is titled "The Woods Are Lovely, Dark, and Deep" by the fabulous bananapancakes7... but again, another post on fanfics is coming), when I step on something. And said something jams into my foot.

DAMN GLASS. I'd broken a lightbulb in there weeks ago, and I thought I'd gotten everything with the sweeper. Apparently not.

I chanced a glance down at my foot and proceeded to wish I hadn't... oh, blood, you make me so woozy and grossed out. So I hobble my way downstairs and hop into the kitchen, where my mother proceeds to ask me what the hell I'm doing. Oh, just sliced my foot open, nothing out of the ordinary. As I'm searching for the bandaids (which I never did find... I had to settle for wrapping it in athletic tape. Classy!), I hear, "MILES! NOOOOOOOOO!"

Well shit.

For those of you that don't know, Miles is our 1 1/2 year-old black lab puppy. Put it this way... he responds to satan. Legit. We'll be driving him around or taking him for a walk, saying "come here satan! Good satan! NO SATAN!" I can only imagine what passerby are looking at us and thinking.

Anyhow... he decided that tonight would be a good night for an evening stroll. Generally, these strolls last about 15-20 minutes, with the entire family trying to play "capture the satan". So, with my foot taped up and stinging like crazy, I hobble my way outside and start the game.


20 minutes, 15,000 dog treats, and one ouchy foot later, he's back in the house.

So much for my nice relaxing pee break.