Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lack of Posting - Fail.

So here's a tasty little nugget I wrote to my mom this morning... ah, stories of my life.

Meh. Wanna know what else? No? Too bad, I'm complaining anyhow.

So I finally drag myself out of bed at 7:15 this morning (we're getting worse the closer we get to summer... it'll be 7:45 before too long. :P), and I get myself dressed and head on downstairs to get some breakfast. I go to open the cabinet to grab myself a poptart like I do every morning, but NO POPTARTS. I go, "Dan, WTH? Where'd all the poptarts go?" thinking he had the box out at the TV or something. "I ate them." OMG. I had I think 2 packs of them... how is that even possible? That means he had SIX EFFING PACKS OF POPTARTS. So after I get all ticked off at him, I think "Oh, I'll just get breakfast at school."

Nope! The bus gets to school at friggin 8:42 (3 minutes before class starts), and I look at the line for food and it's like, 50 people deep. UGH. If I had Ms. K, I totally would've waited. But I had the Shar-Bear this morning, so I knew unless I wanted to go down to the office and get a late pass because my brother ate all the poptarts, it wasn't happening. Ok, I'll just go down before LI.

Or not. "We can't sell anything inbetween classes." Really? Not even a frigging pack of my smores poptarts? Because my brother ATE ALL OF MINE?!?!?!?! So now, here I sit in the LI lab writing an essay in between typing this to you, with my stomach making weird noises (and I don't get to eat for 2 hours... god bless the soul who sits beside me in Spanish) and my friends behind me knocking into my chair and talking about dogs that lick their shit.


Hope you found that humorous. I promise a real post tonight.