Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I just keep telling myself, "12 days! 12 days! I can do this!"

What am I talking about? The end of the school year, of course! Sigh. We're getting so close. And I am SO done with it. Hah. I haven't been to full week of school in God knows how long, going in late, leaving early, or just skipping all together. Probably not good, but what can they say? I still have my 4.0, a thank you. :) But seriously. When this year is over, I will be so relieved. My class load is looking much more optimistic next year, including 3 college classes (English Comp., College Algebra, and Adv. Bio), and Spanish 3, with only 1 lone online class in government/econ. Sweet! That's just less that I have to pay for in the grand scheme of things, the way I see it.

The other reason I cannot wait for this year to be over is this summer! I used to dread summer because I never got to see anyone, since LP draws from all different districts. With my luck, all of my friends live like, an hour away. Urgh. But this year, I will have a car, a job to pay for gas, and lots of friends who can do the same. It's our last summer all together, so I fully plan on capitalizing on that.

I get to go to Kennywood on Sunday with my friend and fellow Pens-aholic Kat! I am SO excited... not only because I get to hang out with Kat and go to Kennywood, but it will be my first time venturing out that far parentless. It should be really fun.

In other web news, I have created a formspring! So... go HERE and ask me a question! Anything you've ever wanted to know about gymnastics, school, whether I'm team Edward or Jacob... you get the picture.

Tomorrow, I bring you a new feature - WTF Wednesdays, an idea that I received from the wonderful Spanny Tampson and her gymnastics blog. Keep an eye out.
